Moving on

Yesterday I found that I'd got the job at B&Q, somewhere I've fancied working for some time :-)  It's part time and should fit in with the rest of my life quite well. 
I've joined a couple of local groups via MeetUp and enjoyed two morning events recently, one a walk round a local nature reserve and the other a coffee and a chat very locally.  You can't know too many people.
And I've got the first meets from the dating sites to look forward to over the next three days.

Edit 1: unfortunately I've just had to phone the man I was to have met tomorrow and cancelled because I'm sure I won't be well enough, but we've rearranged for next week.  I've got that bug that's doing the rounds, and I veer between feeling fine and being overtaken by horrendous coughing spasms.  Thank God I don't still smoke.
Edit 2: and today I've cancelled the other two men and a couple of other things.

p.s. I decided to amalgamate both my journals and this is now done, there were only a few entries anyway.  Sorry for any confusion.

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