Slateford Lineman

First up, the daughter came round to WFH as she doesn't yet have internet in her flat. She starts dismantling the Mac mini upstairs to take down to the warm back room, and sends me away as she doesn't like me hovering, as if I don't trust her.
By the time she puts it back together downstairs, one of the cables has totally disappeared. I smile inwardly with satisfaction. Aren't know-all told-you-so Dads annoying.
Then a call from M who has a proposal for me. He has some big responsibility with that same old ill-fated programme and is looking for a couple of wingmen, as he puts it. Guys who can check out the track before the train starts rolling down it, he adds, just to clarify. Errrummm.
And later, another viewing for the very wonderful 'Under the Skin'* at the Filmhouse. Though got to say it's a dark film and I felt the lighting was too, well.. light. And not just for malarkey in the back row.
So... time marches on. I wonder if anyone in the neighbourhood fancies a beer?

*"Empty Drivel" (0 stars) MrSmith

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