On Ilkla Moor wi' 'at (Cool Runnings)

But in order to court the cold, shorts and no windproof! We spent our first night in the campervan near Leeds to get used to it. All was good and it will provide a great deal of freedom. We decided to go for a walk on Ilkley Moor before heading home in order to bag the Marilyn of Rombalds Moor It's only 402 metres high but had caught a reasonable cover of snow on its higher slopes. As we are good orienteers we had a map, but as disorganised ones didn't have a compass; oops. As it was snowing and the cloud was down we followed our noses. There are many more paths on the ground than the 1:50000 map suggests.but the trees are accurate so we waded up to the hill top through the heather where we found an excellent stone path to take us to the summit. This is a long path and must have taken a good long time to create. We followed it east and came to the Twelve Apostles stone circle just as the cloud thinned and we started to see masses of people. There were large groups, couples, Norman nae mates, people on bikes and fell runners. Most of the latter were well wrapped up, but this hardy soul was out in his shorts. Good on him. 

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