Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

So far so.......oooops!

No bike ride as I thought it would be a good idea to mix my training up a little.

So in my running gear, with my lovely Wife, we stepped out into a bitter wind and cold mizzle. My legs felt good, even after yesterdays Bashing, and we gently started running out into the Fens.....the pace was set by wifey so I found it easy.

Looking out across the bright yellow fields, feeling really comfortable and at ease......I slipped off the shallow curb and went down like a ton of bricks!!! Face forward and bang there I was...I sat on the ground for a while testing my knee and foot...seems okay...painful...should I walk home? NAAAA!

Taking the skin right of my palms and knee, twisting my ankle and straining my right foot!!!! Crap! Well....never one to give in, after picking myself up and getting moving again, we continued on.

I'm glad that I did because I ended up enjoying the pain......yes, yes, I know.....weirdo!
I like a challenge and keeping going for the rest of the run was fun...push yourself...thats the key!

Back home and my bruises and scrapes and cuts all clean and dressed I could feel myself stiffening up....what a plonker!

Any way, all clean and warm and now resting after a little bike ride into town, the air outside not conducive to Tom Foolery, I shall sit in the warm and think silly thoughts. It feels a little like Autumn again and I shall enjoy watching the flame fairies dance in the evening gloomy light and maybe....just maybe mind....think about magical things.

A day dreamer.....I shall always be! :)

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