Journey Through Time

By Sue

Bill's New Windmill

Bill and I did separate errands today - he to go to the hobby shop to pick up a few things he had ordered, like this nifty little windmill to go with the farm.  He does have his eye on a better looking barn, but he could fiddle around and "weather" this barn and add some character to it if he wanted.  The other barn is a lot nicer, however.  

I took auntie on errands.  Honestly, we are going to have to be better at not planning these things on a Friday.  Too much traffic!  I didn't get home until nearly 4:30 or so, the drizzly day already growing dark.  I obviously didn't have time to get anything decent, except for a pigeon perched on a very slim window sill at the I opted to showcase Bill's new addition to the model railroad setup.  

Bill is actually going to work on Sunday helping at the garden nursery with a project.  And the weather this weekend is going to be warm and fantastic.  And, my 1,460th blip is this weekend...Sunday maybe...or tomorrow.  What to do, what to do....   Oh, gads, it is tomorrow.  Yikes!

Okay, well, that's all I can say about this exciting day, I guess.  Stay well and have a fantastic weekend, everybody!1

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