Purple Magpie

By PurpleMagpie

Dandelion kisses

No dandelions were hurt in the making of this blip.

No children were hurt in the making of this blip.

It did mean my husband did the washing up as I was making the most of the light in the garden.

I took this on a manual setting. Something that would have been impossible a few weeks ago.

I also took some lovely macro shots of a dandelion but I went for this one.

We had a lovely night out at a wonderful woman's birthday. It was an honour to be there.

One day I will blip her. Her presence and charisma would seep off the screen.

Sunday has been nice. I reluctantly took the v shaped uke back and sang a few songs at my mom and dad and brother.

DS1 is having more blood tests tomorrow. I am trying not to worry. I do feel that there is a rather large weight upon my shoulders with one thing and another. I am grasping at the light, making the most of it. Very much like this shot.

This blip turned all philosophical. Sorry.

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