
After breakfast and another Harley cuddle I broke land speed records to drive home so Mr La La could get to his five a side footy match.

Not easy with a monumental headache. I did stop and purchase three family size bags of midget gems for my 3 hour journey home. I read once that if you are eating you won't fall asleep at the wheel.

I am living proof that that works.

That, and listening to Just a Minute on Radio 4.

And then Rizzle Kicks.

I like variety.

Later, a holiday reunion at the park with our friends and then dinner for us all.

Generally, when you enter restaurant with 6 children there a large intakes of breath from fellow diners, followed by a quick rush to move tables.

Today was no exception.

Apart from the over excited squealing, when we agreed a sleep over for the forth coming bank holiday, and the wanton wasting of hand cream in the toilets when the older two were allowed to go on their own, they were well behaved.

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