It is now a month since my birthday and my cards are still sitting on the coffee table!  Well, my feeling is that if someone has been kind enough to buy a card, then you should really enjoy it for as long as possible, and we were away for 2 weeks just after my birthday so perhaps I should leave them up a little longer!

When I was younger, having a birthday on Boxing Day or St. Stephen’s Day was never that good - mainly because my mother always used to buy me one present and say that it would do for Christmas and my birthday.  However, once I got married, I explained to Mr. HCB how much that upset me, so he has always bought me two separate presents, bless him, as have my sons.

It was the same with cards - people would say to me “Sorry I forgot your birthday, but it was so near Christmas…….” but now I have wonderful family and friends who all remember, as you can see by this wonderful display of cards and also some of my presents.

Now about the dusting……. I suppose I SHOULD take the cards down and dust the coffee table, or I COULD leave them where they are and forget about dusting for another couple of weeks - such a dilemma - and it may take a few days to think about this!  

In the meantime, the sun is shining and there are friends to meet for coffee - so I think I’ll leave decision-making for at least another day, or three! 

Many years ago, I cut the following quote out of a magazine and it has been on my fridge ever since:

“There is no need to do any housework at all. 
After the first four years the dirt doesn't get any worse.” 
Quentin Crisp

Have a great week, fellow blippers - and whatever you do, be blessed.

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