Purveyor of Fine Wines

Always a joy to sidle into Kay's and squeeze past the mustard and claret flannelled New Town gents to get to the bar. I say, barman! But today, food was brought to the tables! Gratis, like. All sorts of loveliness with meats and cornichons. Espying a chappy in a black tie, we could only surmise that we'd stumbled upon a purvey.
That put me in mind of a purvey which was held in the back room of the Diggers some months back. Puir fare by comparison no doubt, but which was nonetheless demolished by the mourners, leaving a solitary plate of rich tea biscuits to be offered round the regulars in the pub. I recently came across a photo I took of MrW's grinning coupon as he snaffled a couple to have with his pint. It was like Christmas come early.
Anyway, after Kay's it was almost straight home. Almost. Just the small matter of a cracking fish supper to make a detour for. Perfect.

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