Change In The Weather

Thunderstorms and huge displays of lightning kept us awake last night!  When I finally dragged myself out of bed at six am the second set of storms was just heading our way!

Around lunchtime it all started again with huge claps of thunder and monumental lightning flashes and to add to the surreal situation we had a burst of hail and then a mighty deluge with flooding in our immediate area. The power was going on and off and the UPS finally died!! What a day!!!

Toto was very disturbed by the thunder and spent a lot of the day hiding under the desk at work poor fellow!  I took a lot of shots throughout the day but liked this one of the (relative) calm before the storm at 6am!!

Back to 38c tomorrow and possibly more storms aarrghh!!!  Hopefully I'll get some sleep!!  Catch up with you all tomorrow! Here's a link to all the destruction caused by the storms if you're interested.

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