
By bevwestwood

Q is for ...... queer and queasy!

After my fab afternoon at Minsmere yesterday have found myself feeling rather off colour today. Think it may be something I've eaten disagreeing with me but definitely not right. Not ill exactly but, to quote the great Sir Terry Pratchett, "several twinkles short of a glitter."

The weather hasn't helped. Whilst most of the country is finally getting some early summer warmth, those of us who live along the east coast have cold easterly winds and gloom off the North Sea. Have to admit to not being a hot weather fan but this is a bit depressing.

Once I felt up to it descided to go out on a reccie to see what containers are available in a local garden centre for the front of church. We'd like to brighten the place up ready for our next 200th anniversary celebration in July. The thing is, 12 inch pots just ain't going to do it which means it may be a bit costly.

Saw some lovely containers today but not really suitable. This plant caught my eye. Not sure if I like it or not. It's like a giant firework! Rather stupidly didn't look at the name so I'll call it Quasimodo ;-)

(A young girl was doing a maths test. There was a picture of a triangle and the instruction to 'name this shape' underneath. The girl thought for a while and then very carefully wrote 'Brenda')

P.S. I think it's a Dasylirion Serratfolium!!

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