Fifty Fifty VIII

And onto a second row of images.
A late night last night as we played Britannia again with D and F, round at D's flat this time. This was game four of the sequence, so we all played the one colour we hadn't played to date. I managed to win my first game, playing as Yellow. For some reason, the way we play, this is a most unusual occurrence. It's actually the first yellow victory since we started playing 'Britannia 2', and in the previous version of the game I think we only every had one or two wins for Purple (the same nations as the current Yellow). Which is odd, as if you look online, everything seems to say the game should be more even that that. In fact some claim that things are biased in favour of Yellow! So we must have been 'playing it wrong'. Only I'm pretty certain we haven't missed anything in the rules. Is it just that the game designers assume players will do certain things that we don't do? Perhaps this is the start of a change in the pattern. We'll see.
As for the sea and sky, I'm still wondering how long I can keep going.
And as a final PS, it was Celtic that won the other League Cup semi-final (against a team that may or may not be the other half of the Old Firm, depending on your view of football history) so United will definitely be underdogs for the final. Should I tempt the jinx?

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