Frail Feet

Why isn't there a special name for the tops of your feet?
Lily Tomlin

Feet: Hummingbird's feet are not for walking. Hummingbirds do not use their feet for launching upward in flight. They let their wings do all of this work. Hummingbirds use their feet for scratching and perching. They will perch for most of their lives. Hummingbirds have four (4) toes. Three (3) toes in the front and one (1) toe, also called the hallux in the back of the foot. The hallux works much the same way a human's thumb does and allows the hummingbird to hang on to a branch or wire.

Here are some shots from the Daniel Webster Wildlife Sanctuary taken on a walk yesterday. Two Juvenile Eastern Phoebes arguing about a spot on a pole, a Painted Turtle and Tom Turkey showing his stuff. A male Bobolink and a lovely Eastern Blue Bird.

For The Record,
This day came in damp with rain sprinkles on and off. More heavy rain on the way.

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