CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot


A bright sunny day with a chill wind.

After a weekend of watching sport, which helped fill the hours when I could not do very much, I am managing to get back to reading. I had managed to get three quarters of the way through Peter May's book 'Runaway' and now am looking forward to finishing it. It is a book which I relate to because the main characters were brought up in Glasgow as teenagers in the sixties, which is precisely the time and place where I grew up.

Once again, many thanks for all your comments over the last few days. It has encouraged me as I have read them. Although you tell me not to worry about me not commenting, it is such an important part of my enjoyment of the community and I miss it. Hopefully, it won't be too long until I get back to it. Writing this piece has been a bit less painful and for that I am grateful.

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