Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

...Just hangin' out...

Extreme Seymour is undaunted by any challenges I throw his way, as seen here. Hanging feeder? No problem, just dash up the branch, hang by rear feed, use tail as a rudder, and chow down. Not the best technical shot, but this is the one that made me laugh today. Hope it makes you chuckle, too!

The dentist was predictably awful. Well, to be fair, the dentist is actually very nice - it's the experience that I fear and loath. Lots of drilling which involves terrifying noises and the most noxious smells EVER. I've now got a temporary crown and an appointment to get the final crown in two weeks. I'm wolfing down Tylenol at the moment but will probably switch to something stronger before I go to bed. It feels like someone drilled a hole in my upper jaw ... hey, wait ... someone did drill a hole in my upper jaw!! Haha.

Pouring rain today so lots of wet birds at the feeders. I'm happy to report that the wrens are still ensconced in the nest that I rudely fingered yesterday, so apparently all is forgiven. I am waiting for the chickadees to fledge - by my calculation, the chicks are a little over 2 weeks old so they should fledge any day. My bird books tell me that the young will stay close to the parents for several weeks during which time mom and dad will continue to feed them. If I'm lucky, they'll bring them to the feeders to eat and have their little 1st grade portraits taken. Stay tuned...

I'm still catching up with journals - as expected, lots of fascinating things are going on in the world of Blip and I am enjoying getting caught up!

Happy Monday...

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