In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

Dancehall days

Saw these two council workers putting up be advertising posters on the old Student Union building on The Gallowgate.
There are two universities in the city, but no student unions. The last one closed last year. This one, which was for Aberdeen Uni, closed over a decade ago.
Although I was never a student, I did spend many a happy time in there. I remember seeing Screaming Lord Sutch perform there. Musically he did what Alice Cooper went on to do
The posters are for The Beach Ballroom, a really unique building in the city. It is hexagonal and I used to go dancing there when Iwas a teenager.
I saw many a fine band play there. Marmalade, Geno Washington and his RamJam band, Simon Dupree and the big sound and even Nina Simone.

Sorry for the poor, poor quality of the picture, it was taken in a rush as I was stopped at the traffic lights.

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