A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Poor blip day!

A lighter start to today's early walk but a dull one. The paths were very icy and there was still quite a bit of Coppice Pond under ice but when I got my camera out the battery was dead!

Got home and changed the battery and set off out to the shops and to try and get a blip en route. Battery flat again, so I mustn't have charged the spare one. Last resort my phone!

Took one shot and it beeped to say the battery was low!

So this is it!

The penultimate week of regular Panto rehearsals continues tonight with the start of tech and dress rehearsals next week.

As you can see it is 'Snow White', promoted on this board outside the village post office and we are performing it over two weekends at the end of the month. The latest I think we have ever done it but with a bit of luck the snow will have done its stuff by then!

'Oh no it won't!' 'Oh yes it will!' --- I hope!

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