Sue Le Feuvre

By UrbanDonkey

Bathing Pools again... as #500 blip!

I knew I had a busy day coming up today but as it was my 500th blip I thought I should try to get something half decent.. but for that I really wanted a dramatic sky and the weather wasn't at all co-operative. I went off to the bathing pools and took some shots; the tide was a bit higher than I would have liked but I knew I wasn't going to have time to go back once the tide was on the way down again so hoped that I'd be happy with one of them. I got home, had breakfast and edited most of them. One or two were OK but nothing very exciting. but it was time to press on with the rest of the days.

First job was to have a passport photograph taken so I could apply for a passport in my new name. Graham, the photographer had commented on one of my photographs on Facebook yesterday and when I walked in he realised who I was. The photograph didn't take long and he followed up with a quick tutorial on PS levels; which was one option I'd not yet explored. The best £10 I think I've ever spent; I wonder whether he'd like to do another one tomorrow. He needn't waste time taking another photograph of me...

My last passport was issued in the UK but it was good to get back to the personal Guernsey service where they check the details, photocopy any documents you need (like my Deed Poll), scan in the photograph to ensure its acceptable and you know everything is good to go. Its also interesting that I had my photograph taken wearing my glasses (the blue ones this time), for my last passport no specs were allowed. 

I had some shopping to do then rushed home for lunch and to re-edit a photograph using my new found skills with levels. This afternoon we have the children's ringing sessions and this evening a walking group are visiting the tower for a look at the bells, a demonstration of ringing and anyone who wishes can have a go.

Today's blip was taken a couple of hours before high tide. When the tides are high the sea will cover the slab in the foreground and we used to jump off the railings. On ultra high spring tides it was possible to jump from the very top terrace as long as you cleared the railings. Strictly forbidden of course.

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