Time to reflect

I was thwarted in my blipping plan today and in the afternoon found myself staring at the roof of the bus shelter as I was waiting to come home.

It struck me that in the old days waiting for a bus was a pretty hit and miss pastime filled with uncertainty, dread at waiting too long and elation when the thing arrived quicker than expected.

Brief conversations, but conversations nonetheless, used to sometimes be held as enquiries were made as too how long someone had been waiting. Now with a surfeit of instantly available information such potentially awkward exchanges can be avoided and we are free to concentrate on more important matters - like finding out from Facebook what somebody we briefly met on holiday several years ago has had for breakfast.

This is why my usually deeply submerged inner luddite sometimes has a little cheer when I see a Windows error message scrolling across one of these indicator boards - of course it wouldn't make such a pretty picture!

This time last year - Mystery bug

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