
By LauraH

Fantastic news

Long day in town today. Had a peaceful interlude between appointments wandering in the Botanic Gardens. The latest addition is a very beautiful English border surrounded by a white picket fence with a statue of Sir Richard Hadlee, who even I have heard of. Tonight is the opening night of the Cricket World Cup being hosted here in Christchurch, so hopefully all my overseas friends will follow this with interest. I must admit, I am not a great cricket fan, but I will give it a go to try and understand what they are up to.

The appointments both went well. Our first with our oncologist to review the latest CT scans was very amazing. Pretty much all sign of the melanoma metastases are gone!!! There are some remnants in the bone but little else to see on the scans! Given how widespread it was this is nothing short of a miracle. Bernie told us that without the treatment drugs I have been taking, I probably wouldn't be here now. We thanked him profusely and had a bit of a cry. We celebrated with lunch at the Lotus Heart.

Then we went to WINZ and looks like I am eligible for Supported Living Payment once I have submitted a medical certificate. So that's all good too as it takes some pressure off for us financially.

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