The sun is up

Woke early enough to be well along Erceg's Way at the time the sun rose above the clouds over Kawau Island. On the way to getting this particular photo, I took others. For some I went out onto the flats to get close to the herons and the kuaka which were out by the edge of the still retreating water. 

I tried different variations on what to have in the foreground to enhance the display in the sky. Retaining the magnificence of the sun struck clouds, resulted in the kuaka and herons being very small. Made my way back to the path, and saw a dog walking its owner along the beach. Another Saturday sunrise

Later today, family members gathered to quietly help m-i-l celebrate the 95th anniversary of her birth. We deliberately kept it to just family, as she gets very tired by trying to interact with too many people. Her three children, six of her nine grandchildren, and two of her six great-grandchildren were able to be here. Also a few in-laws, and a couple of nephews. Her younger sister also came for a short while. I will put some photos into my blipfolio

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