walking with giants..

...and how extremely lucky are we, the 'lilliputians' of Perth to be sharing a weekend with two of the giants from 'Royal de Luxe'.
The Diver and The Little Girl are walking the streets and sailing the river and here is the link to their story

The Diver, has been 'sleeping' at the train station and today he awoke.
All 11m!!!! of him 'leapt' a street bridge walkway and with the help of red velvet clad technicians dangling from ropes and perched on scaffolding  maneuvered  his way through the packed streets of Perth.
Yesterday an estimated 180,000 people turned out on the streets to welcome the little girl and ogle the sleeping diver.
Today, goodness knows how many of us oooohed and aaaahed (on a thankfully cool day).

What a treat and a privelege and NEVER to be forgotten.

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