It's me!

Today, I am taking part in the Baby Photo Challenge suggested by Peopletwitcher

I don't have many images of me as a baby at my home, as my mum is still very much with us, and she has the albums that my father kept so beautifully for my brother's first 18 months, and less so when I arrived. Me? Jealous? ....

The three I have chosen show that traits established at a very early age, are with us for life! Namely posing, dressing up and showing off my legs.

The first on the left shows me at 10 months - where you can see I've discovered mirrors. I like the way I'm looking at the photographer - who would have been dad, rather than at myself.

The next, half hidden to spare my modesty was taken when I was three, on the beach at Cromer, where we went for our summer hols for many years. I can remember this as clearly as anything. My dad taking off his glasses and hat to go for a swim, and me picking them up and putting them on, my mum then screeching at him across the beach to get the camera.

The final image is of me aged 4 being a bridesmaid to my Godmother. I have vivid memories of the whole day. I loved the pale pink dress with puff sleeves, covered buttons and layers of net. Then there was the matching Bo-peep bonnet, with the ribbon that cut me under the chin. I carried a basket of pink, white and lilac sweet peas, with the most divine scent.
I was given as necklace of tiny pearls at the reception, for being a bridesmaid, that I held onto for the rest of the day.

Great challenge, and happy memories, thanks.

P.S. this challenge has been closed down by blip central because it breaks the blip rules, apparently it's not cricket to take a photo of a photograph.

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