Anatole's blips

By anatolebeams

Lost my bearings

The wagon developed a squeal last week. Another problem to add to a very long list, but one requiring immediate attention. So it was out with the heavy gear today, front wheel off in the street and 2 hours later, thanks to my wonderful long-armed puller, the hub was off and the offending bearings subjected to a final photograph before being consigned to the dustbin. The whole hub assembly was running dry, so I guess the bearing has overheated accelerating the failure and also seizing the whole lot firmly onto the stub axle. New hub & stub axle time too, so we have a 3-wheeled Land Rover for the next few days. 

Then I might be able to take a look at some of the other issues on the very long list: bleed brakes, clean points, get lpg working again, gearbox synchromesh, exhaust .... and these are just the absolute essentials.

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