'Sunrise Shoot'

Firstly thanks to you all for the congrats on my 1000th yesterday. So very kind of everyone to drop in on my special blip and I appreciate every single comment, star and heart.

Up super early this morning as the weather forecast was looking good for a clear sunrise. Ben & I have been trying for a few weeks now to hook up for a photoshoot to get some images for him to add to his EPK (Electronic Press Kit). Promoters can download any of the images in this to use to promote Ben playing at their venue or gig.

I set my alarm for 5am, but woke up at 4:55am, just before the alarm went off. I should just learn to trust my body clock, although I never use an alarm apart from a special occasion like this where someone else is depending on me being there at a certain time. Set of from home by 5:15am and arrived in Silvan at 6am on the dot.

Ben has had this shot visualised for quite some years and finally this morning we got to turn his vision into reality. The weather was perfect, the timing was perfect and everything just happened on cue.

Got some fabulous shots down at Ben's little oasis in the Yarra Valley and we were all finished by just after 9am. I admit that it's pretty hard not to take a great shot in this location though. There was a nice mist hanging above the dam which made for some great moody shots too.

Home by mid morning and straight outside to have a kick of the soccer ball with Dylan, then inside to start processing the 280 odd shots taken. All finished by mid afternoon.

MsMun was also processing her shots from the photoshoot she did with our friend Olga last weekend and her shots have really come up a treat too.

I made Nachos for dinner tonight while everyone else went for a drive to drop off Olga's photos to her. Home made salsa, guacamole, and fresh crispy corn chips with a few spices mixed in. Went down a treat.

It's going to be a hot night again, so the kids have set themselves up on the floor downstairs to sleep under the ceiling fan.

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