
By CharlotteJ

Fun with Colour and a nose bleed!

My 150-500mm lens has been repaired – I recommend Sigma in Welwyn Garden City (UK) for those Sigma lovers out there!  I posted my lens by special delivery with full explanation of the issued and in a week, I had received email updates, a good quote for repair and returned by UPS.  Great service and cheaper than returning it to the USA where it came from for repair.  So this is Tess in the garden with me at the end of the said repaired lens – in manual as per my challenge, but with a little processing in Photoshop after.

In other news our stairs and banisters are now fully stripped!  Having next weekend off from them but we are now in a good position to start the priming.

We went for a run this afternoon, another nose bleed for me…third one this week!!  This was a bit heavier than the last but stopped quite quick after I stopped my running – any advice from runners out there as to why this is happening? 

Who is tuning into Channel 4 tonight for Indian Summers?

Happy Sunday everyone. 

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