The Pepper Patch

By PepperG

Buy the Book

One of our new neighbors, having learned I was a photographer, dropped by a housewarming present the other day, some books he had bought for me while he and his wife were at a local flea market. They included this book on the Masters of Photography published back in the 50s. 

Since then I've gone from cover to cover several times but always find myself coming back, then back again, to these images by Alfred Stieglitz. Taken in the late 19th century, the photograph of the young Venetian boy is irresistibly captivating and I have a feeling of almost kinship with this boy, now long dead, who is staring so intently into my soul. 

As I continue to explore the images on these pages, I'm tempted to try to recreate some of my favorites using contemporary subjects and settings. It would be quite the adventure.

Thanks Ernie.

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