Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos

All's well with the world

Rain was predicted and so this morning I felt was going to be my last chance of a sunrise for a few days and night shots are not much fun in the rain. I desperately tried to talk myself into staying in bed as I told myself the sunrise was unlikely to be much but I saw some clouds around and clearish skies to the north so I ignored my internal pleadings and went down to the sea to get a blip.

I know many of you experience amazing sunrise and sunsets as evidenced from your blips and you may understand what I mean but this morning I felt it was almost a spiritual experience.

I shared my spot on the rock platform with a white faced heron who was obviously looking for some crabs or fish in the rock pools. It seemed oblivious to me and the tripod and camera and happily pottered around quite close. There were quite a few fish jumping out of the orange waters which made me wonder whether there was a bigger predator around that caused them to jump. Perhaps they were simply hunting something else on the surface. As the sky deepened, a sea eagle flew slowly by silhouetted against the orange sky. I heard the call of the Oystercatchers as they flew past in small groups. There were also Terns and gulls. I felt all was well with the world and rather privileged to be sharing this as the day awoke. (SOOC but in camera adjustment)

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