The Wren

By TheWren

Purple waves

I wanted to share this luscious tulip with you today as with this warm weather it may not last much longer. If you look closely you can just see the tip of its bright yellow stamen nestled against the deep purple base. When I took a close-up of the stamen I seemed to lose the wonderful waviness of the petals, so I settled for this one with just a hint of yellow keeking out. Its real name is Blue Parrot.

This is an early blip for me as the day is only just beginning to really warm up and I have things to do in the garden and house and need to get on! Luckily the walk this morning was while the temperature was only 19' and so the dogs and I had a great time on the moor where there was a fair bit of air about and we felt we could stride out. The warmth seems to have brought out such a variety of wild flowers on the heath and I wish I could name them all. Perhaps I will blip them one day and then someone can ID them for me. What I did find though, and have put it into my blipfolio, is the entrance to someone's nest as there are small, light brown pelleted droppings at the doorway. I think they are smaller than rabbit pellets. Anyway I have a feeling that it is these mossy nests which have proved so irresistible to both Cara and Bruce during our recent walks.

Now I am off to cut the grass, then some more bedding to plant and then maybe some housework and admin both of which I have been putting off, not wanting to waste these summer days in case that's our lot.!

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