Work in Progress

A wet, sleety day.

We were at church this morning, where Eleanor led the service and I preached. It was good to work as a team - something we have done through all the years of my ministry. Our Pastor flies back from Ghana today, so it will be good to see him again.

It really is a 'gey dreich' day, with cold sleet and snow, which did not encourage to stay out for any length of time. However, I noticed this block of houses, very much a work in progress. I was particularly struck by the amount of scaffolding all round the building. These houses are part of a small development being built near us, which we think will be affordable housing.

I sometimes wonder if the scaffolding around our society which helps vulnerable people is being dismantled before people are able to stand on their own two feet - all in the name of 'austerity'.

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