
I was in Bicester bright and early this morning after dropping off the Little Misses at school (first morning back went surprisingly painlessly!) I met the EPC man and the decorator at our house. One step closer in the snail's pace journey to getting it on the market!
On the way home I accidentally made an appointment to go and see a lovely house in Buckingham. Even though I keep saying I'm going to stop looking until we're in a position to buy I just couldn't resist.
It was lovely!
Especially the stairs!
And the laundry room in the cellar.
I've always wanted a laundry room. And a pantry.
From our new house the viewing I went to Waitrose for Thai basil and spring onions.
And then because I'm rubbish at shopping I had to go to Tescos for garlic, ginger and chillies.
Guess what we had for dinner tonight?!!
And it was ready to serve as Mr K walked through the door.
What a good wife I am!!!

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