Light and fluffy......

not the best title but as I am writing this on Monday I am slightly tired and uninspired.

Up and out early in the morning to buy a bit of shopping, have a coffee and read the papers, then back home to tidy the house and cook soup ready for the arrival of my brother, Simon, Cathy, his girlfriend, and Jack, his son.

They were a bit late as the boys decided to get their hair cut.

After lunch we left Geoff and Jack at home while we took a quick trip into Walden.  I needed some buttons, Simon needed some Manuka honey and bread, exciting lives we lead.

Home, cup of tea, chocolate cake for G & J, banana loaf for S & C, then they went back to cook a roast for some friends coming over of dinner.

I had a twenty minute kip/lie down before changing and driving over to Bev and Hedleys for dinner.  I took mine, while Bev prepared cottage pie and apple crumble followed by cheese for the rest of them.  I think Hedley was offended on my behalf when he saw the amount I had to eat compared to them!

Home just after midnight, saw a missed skype from Chris and Maddie, so skype phoned them and had a quick chat with Chris and Agnes.  Told her it was ten sleeps until she sees us.

Finally reached bed around 01:00

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