
By RadioGirl

Empty Chairs

I learnt today of some more long-standing colleagues - opposite numbers from Radio News - who will be retiring over the next few weeks.  It's starting to sink in that I won't belong in Broadcasting House myself before too long.  The old place has been a second home to me for almost two-thirds of my life, and I've experienced countless highs and lows within its familiar walls.  It's going to be a terrific wrench to leave.  But with many people who go back as far as I do having already left, or leaving very soon, and with even the building itself having changed almost beyond recognition, it's best to go now instead of hanging on for another five years before the inevitable happens anyway.  Already, the place seems to be teeming with a new generation of fresh faces that I don't recognise.  It's their turn now to fill some of the empty chairs.

Seating on a 5th floor landing between Old and New Broadcasting House, just one of many impromptu "meeting places" dotted around the buildings to maximise use of space, which is at a premium in the complex as a whole.

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