Mail to Messy

By Horomaka

'Cicada Canyon' on the way to Emily Falls

Walkies time again with the dogs, and again I elected to steer the crew up the Kowhai Stream. At the first confluence we headed up the fork we've explored before, up the gorge I've nicknamed 'Cicada Canyon', on account of the insects' soundtrack that accompanied us.

This stream shown here is the spill from Emily Falls, one of the the waterfalls accessible from the Blandswood end of Peel Forest. The falls themselves are located at the head of the gorge; I've managed to make it as far as the bolder wall that contains the fall's pool, but I'm yet to go further. 

We'll return some other time and give it a crack, although in hindsight it might be easier to attempt it by myself. - the dogs aren't much assistance when it comes to clambering over wet rocks. The dogs do like to photobomb though; as you can see, Jack was keen to get in the picture too....

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