But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave

At the End of the Tunnel . . . .

. . . . is the Light.

Went into Penicuik this morning for some messages and did my blipping on the way back, I found this composition strangely appealing. You, of course, are entitled to disagree.
The rule book says that I should place the centre of interest on the intersection of thirds, an idea that I have always found to be an anathema.
I am of the opinion that art by rules reduces all work to a common standard; sometimes a rule works and sometimes it doesn't; usually some of them work for a particular picture but, rarely do they all work. It is by breaking these rules that a picture becomes interesting but that does not necessarily mean that when I break the rules I produce interesting pictures.
It is interesting to note that the magazines are always quoting this "rule of thirds" and pointing out how a particular picture succeeds because of it but, often, try as I might, I can't fit the points of interest to these thirds that they talk about.

This evening saw the last of this year's AGMs, Jnr handed in his homework, and so I should soon start having some ME time again.

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