It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

I'm Knackered

I took a day off today! It was beautiful and sunny so I set out for a long bike ride in prep for my coast to coast next month. I knew the ride would be tough as I wanted to get as much climbing in as possible.

I headed through Mellor, Whaley Bridge, Long Hill, Buxton, Bakewell, Hathersage and home.....just over 100km and 2km of ascent. Never easy, with 25C+ temperatures it couldn't have been harderl. I couldn't get enough fluid in and ended up feeling quite sick! By Hathersage I was in the bin. By Bamford, I had knocked and still had Snake Pass to get over.

I took my helmet off and attached it to my bars, a la vieille école Tour de France, as my brain was cooking in my skull! Still not enough, I stopped at the Snake Pass Inn and ordered a pint of coke. The barmaid looked on strangely as I started to put salt in it. Heading off again I felt ok for about a km, until there was a small kick upwards. I stopped, lay down on the grass at the side of the road and was bitten by a beastie. I got up again and started to legs started to cramp. I walked the final steep bit of the climb but wooshed down the other side getting just over 60km/h!

When home, I had a quick dinner but was craving more so headed into Manchester to do a wee shopping. I had 45 mins to kill so wandered around the Northern Quarter with the camera!

This blip is weird!

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