It was tempting to photoshop in a backdrop of snowy forest, but the truth is this young lynx is stuffed and sitting on a “rock” in Härnösand’s police station.
There wasn’t any information about it so I have no idea how it got to be there but it’s been there at least 5 years.  
How do I know that? Well, a bit over 5 years ago I was in the police station applying for my first Swedish passport, having recently been granted citizenship, and I saw the lynx on the wall.  Now I was back again, renewing my passport.
I was really impressed by the efficiency of the process. Into the police station, and after a brief chat with the woman behind the desk I show my ID and pay my £30. Then over to the passport machine. Index fingers on the fingerprint scanners - green light to show they were scanned - Look at the camera, no smiling but a slight grin permitted, click, sign on the signature scanner and then my future passport appeared on the screen. Was I happy with the photo? Yes, I was. Now I wait a few days and after an SMS I pick it up at the same police station.  Not a single form to fill in!
That's the way to do it!

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