my name is not Liz Imbrie

By LizImbrie


Crocus (English pluralcrocuses or croci) is a genus of flowering plants in the iris family comprising 90 species of perennials growing from corms. Many are cultivated for their flowers appearing in autumn, winter, or spring

The correct pluralization of Greek words ending in "us", like Crocus, is Crocuses, not croci. If "crocus" was Latin, then it would be croci, but it's not, it's Greek in origin, which makes the plural crocuses.

Busy day at work (they all are at the moment).  Picked up Dexter from nursery to discover that he'd had to get his antihistimine again.  Lentil soup again.  They suspect lentils as the allergen. I suspect either the onion or perhaps the fact that I had a spanish omelette last night! Anyway, other than some hives and a bit of a eczema flare up, Dexter is absolutely fine.
Had meant to go to the Thursday evening meeting but our Dexter sitters were all double booked so I had to cry off. Probably just as well. By the time it was finishing at 7, I was already thinking about bed...

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