Not a river by name but .......

 ........... the South Holland Drain that flows into the River Nene near Sutton Bridge - you can just see the power station in the far distance (and three bonus birdies having a swim).

I had a look on google maps to see where it flowed from - I followed it back and found it just seems to come out of the ground - I was expecting it to start at the River Welland in Spalding ..... waterway names I saw on the way were: (skip to the bottom now if you don't want a boring list of drain names!!)
South Holland Main Drain
Fleet Drain
Lambert Drain
Tinsleys Drain
Division Drain
Moulton Mere Drain
Delgate Drain
Wheat Mere Drain
New River Drain

Anyhooooo ... the weather is bright and beautiful but flippin' cold - not a cloud in the sky.

Thank you for your comments on Fatty Ratty yesterday - he's been back (more than once) so a trap (humane) has been ordered .... hopefully I can catch him and then take him somewhere miles away and set him free - in the back of my mind is the fact that he/she may have a family and I will be leaving them to starve but I have to squash that thought!

~ Anni ~

Smile of the Day

Interviewer to job applicant:  " You start at £200 a week and after six months it goes up to £250 a week "

Applicant:  " Alright then, I'll come back in six months! "

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