
By CharlotteJ

Hours old

I am feeling much brighter today!  I’ve had a good day at work and got to finish at 4pm so went off for a run.  On my route I spied this gorgeous scene!  Baby must be a few hours old as mum is a bit messy if you catch my drift.  So I decided to hot foot it back home, grabbed my long lens, the camera and off a jumped into the car and back the location and safe distance of where Mum and Baby were.    So hard to choose a photo of them both, but I like this one.  Thank goodness for 500mm lens, I managed to keep a nice distance back but still witness the joys of new life.  Mummy sheep was so tender with her baby, nudging baby into positon for cleaning.  Mummy sheep did keep making little grunting noises – I am not sure if that was a warning to me, to baby, or that she was just complaining at have a ‘messy’ rear end!  Either way, doesn’t matter, fantastic sight!


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