
I am exhausted. I am still not well - I am better, but not well - and I've been busy from 8 am to 7 pm.

All of the things I should have done these last days, had to be done today as I am leaving tomorrow at 6 am.

I have packed, unpacked, repacked (to make as much room as possible for the dogs in the car), been shopping, walked dogs, been to the vet for the stamps that the boys need to enter the UK, fixed broken prop, cleaned muddy prop, groomed dogs and cleaned Guinea Pig cage.

There were lots of other things I wanted to do, but this was all I could fit in.

When I was nearly done, I left Hero and Biscuit in the house and took all of my stuff out to pack the car. Whilst I was done, Hero stole a huge bag of dried tripe, which we should have brought with us. Result - I had to go to the vet again and get something for him to make him throw up. I couldn't risk travelling with a very sick dog.  I was so cross with myself for leaving him with the temptation.

I need to go to bed soon, but first I need to eat something. I have no appetite these days, so I have hardly eaten anything all day and I've been so busy. It doesn't feel very good.

Night night Blippers
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

PS. Picture - Hero with his Pets Passport outside the vet - ready to enter the UK on Wednesday morning.

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