
By tookie


It all began quite innocently with a work out at one Y on what's called a nutone machine to work my legs and then to the other Y to do a warm water workout. Had the warm water pool all to myself again...luxurious! Then a call from friend J--did I have bold cutters. She was dog sitting her daughter's malamute Mali and tried to put a chain collar on her and it got rather stuck. I called the bus garage and they had some so we loaded up my hooligans in the back of my car, J in the second seat and her grand dog Mali up front. We were quite a site. Got into the downstairs offices and were about to have one of the mechanics use the bolt cutters to release the collar---when Mali bolted---J forgot to let go of the leash and like being immediately sucked into a vortex--she flew into the desk and office stuff. Mali got loose. J had a huge bleeding bump on her head and other numerous sore spots. We decided I should take her to urgent care...with the hooligans stashed back in their respective assigned seats. With her ice pack in place off we went. All turned out well as it was similar to a scraped knee injury as it turned out---and J got the afternoon off. So we went with the three hooligans to a nearby dog park along Lake Washington.

Now the two adults --I think that would be me and J---could use a nap and drinks...or in the reverse order!

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