Quiet musings on family life.

Blipping at 10am on a Saturday morning! What's going on?

In amongst the debris and scatter that is two teenage boys there is a pretty little pair of candy blue shoes, neatly put together - that do not belong to Mrs W.

Last night was the school leavers prom for Edgar. He and Miss. H returned at some point in the morning, hence the shoes.

It just made me think how different it is now. In my day Mrs W and I had to go to the most extraordinary lengths to cover our tracks, sneaking off here and there, having the craziest adventures. Now (at least for us) no one has to go through all that nonsense. Parents don't have to pretend, youngsters don't have to take risks, everything is more normal.

Seems OK to me.

It's just so amusing that there's only one neatly placed pair of shoes.

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