Thank you for your comments on this piccy last night despite the distinct lack of write up - I had written it all then found it hadn't uploaded, then I was just too tired to write it all again but didn't want to miss a day!!!! (not that that seems to matter now with the new blip but I would know if I missed a day!)

So, as most of you know this is Daughter Number 2. She hasn't had much  of a look in recently with everything that's been going on with DN1 and I do feel guilty for that. But she doesn't live with me. She lives with her dad when she's not at Uni in Portsmouth. But every other week she's back in Surrey and works locally so I try and get to see her even if its just for a quick coffee (as she works behind the gym bar). Yesterday my plans were slightly scuppered as I got messed about at work and was delayed by over an hour then when I did get to see Soph, there was a very attention seeking and demanding fitness model at the gym trying to promote protein drinks and thought nothing of taking up Soph's time and interrupting us. But Soph was in awe of her so I allowed it to happen. At least I was there.

Then home to carry on cooking as I had friends for dinner. In my wisdom, I decided to do a 3 course dinner. I started cooking at 8am till 10.30 when I went to work, then again a 3 o'clock until Jane and Pat arrived!!! And even Mr W who is the harshest food critic said my sticky toffee pudding was ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS! So I guess it must have been! So a bottle of cherry Lambrini and a few hours later, I was far too tired to manage to write this all up again!

....and in other news (about DN1 for a change!) - she collected 'Leo'  today. Shes so very happy with the little chap. He appears to be quite a character, full of fun and adventure and even pooped in the cat basket on the way home!!!  I have had endless snapchats and messages about the little guy. I cant wait to meet him!

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