Litter picker

There has been a recent proliferation of rubbish on the lane leading up to the Water Tower in Linton.   Crisp packets, plastic bags, uneaten fruit and incomprehensibly.... bagged up dog poo were adorning the path and the branches of the bushes and trees.  (Why anyone would go to the trouble of picking up their dog's poo and then hanging it in a tree is beyond me).

This morning I came across Lindsay with a litter picker filling these rubbish bags.   Seemingly she couldn't bear to walk past the rubbish and poo any more and - rather than complaining about it - had decided to do something.  

I understand there a few others in our community (including you Tracy C) that have taken it upon themselves to clean up the area.

Hats off to all you do-ers rather than moaners, and I hope the inconsiderate individuals that left the mess come to a smelly and sticky end!  (Well, maybe not, but I hope they don't do it again).

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