
By EgyptUnveiled

Zoo update

An amazing day (In some ways) today at the zoo. Workmen in droves, were putting sand down and laying turf over the whole area now which means it reduces the temperature for the animals, it is cleaner and of course creates a more natural environment for the animals. The swamp cats loved the grass and if possible, we want them to (Be removed totally) have the turf inside their cage, but everyone is so afraid of them. They are literally wild animals, so I am psyching myself up to go in and lay the turf!

Metal barriers/fencing has now been put up, to stop the people being able to get close to the animals and stop the huge problem of rubbish being thrown inside the cages.

When we arrived this morning, the ostrich were free, having sand baths and were being petted by one of the staff! Quite unbelievable and it brought a smile to my face. They also have a bath now, filled with fresh running water, which they can 'Peck' at.
The owner has watched them play with the water from the hosepipe, when we have showered them and has recreated this in the bath using a hosepipe. It is like a mini fountain!

Everyone (The animals) were being fed, watered and cleaned. Could we be any happier?

I made a certificate for Mr Abd El Hady and handed it over to him today. He was thrilled!

We did consider bringing volunteers in to oversee the feeding in the morning, kind of sharing the load, but we feel that we have gained the trust and respect of the owner and staff and do not want to jeopardize our relationship at this stage. Bringing in people now, could cause offence and possibly make them think that they are STILL not doing a good job. They all ask us for advice, help and seem to enjoy working with us.

The owner today, explained to me that there are 3 staff and he wants all of them to know everything about the animals and what they need regarding food and care. This is a very big step and I was proud and happy to say we could all meet and go through everything. Nothing is a problem and we are here to help.

Robbie (My monkey) had to be moved today, as the whole area is being turfed. The owner wanted to put him into a half metre square area of a disused bird cage while the work was carried out! - NO WAY!
There was an empty enclosure, which was perfect for Rob. So we got the small transporting cage, which I happily squeezed into to coax her in and make her short journey, a stress free one. We were both carried by the staff, to Robs new home (Until I get the cage she really needs, I want her to have lots of room!)
She was such a good girl, a little afraid, but she walked from one cage to the other, with no problems. She was elated with her new home, as she has height now and can escape prying hands. She climbed high and ate from the tree outside.
We brought her rope and tyre in, laid some turf which created a feeding/picnic area and gave her a chair to sit in. I have bought a pink diamante mirror for her , so she can see another monkey (Her reflection of course) as she really is lonely and needs 'Friends' (Which I am happy to be. I sit with her, tickle her behind her ears, pretend to de-flea her, she goes into a trance like state when I do this and then I let her de-flea me! She jumps on my shoulder, my neck and seems to be very happy in my company. I stroke her, chat to her, hold her hand and just be there for her)

Do I feel proud? Yes.

Did I hate it when I first visited? Yes.

Am I happy to go there now? Almost....the changes we have made and the attitudes of the people involved, makes me feel happy to go there. No-one LIKES zoos, but we have and will ensure these animals are as happy as they can be.

Did we choose the right approach? I think we did. It has been an extremely upsetting and emotional journey. We could have closed him down immediately. BUT, the animals would have been sent back to Giza Zoo in Cairo. Travelling for 12hrs on a truck, they may not have survived and at the very least would have been more stressed than they were and possibly, would have been in a far worse environment than they are today. We chose to work with the owner, educate him and his staff, encourage and support them...even make an example of them.

Each day there are many improvements and developments. Abd El Hady is a trooper and thrives on positivity, knowledge and encouragement. He controls the happiness of these animals and provides, friendship for them as well as 'Just doing his job'

I can talk forever on this issue! It has been an amazing experience....without this place, I would not have met Robbie and for that, I am so grateful. The reward of seeing her and her companions become healthy, stress free and happy, are beyond words. I do love 'My Monkey' :-)

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