an image of teamdel

By teamdel


Today Boy went to a party for one of his special girls birthday. He was very excited about it before hand probably because it was his first ever party of one of his own friends. He has been to a few of his sisters friends parties but not really to any of his.

The highlight was the bouncy castle with a slide that all the children loved. An adult helped hoist up the little ones on to the slide in between the older children and it was not long til Boy and his friend were charging their way round confidently with the big kids.

There was loads of classic party food with enough for the grown ups. Full of sugar and feeling a bit sick we headed for home in the sunshine. I even managed to tidy the garden up a bit so we could enjoy it.

Whilst out there I took a look over next doors garden to check on the snakes. As expected the sticks were back along side them. Not surprising really as yesterday I saw that a cat had done the complete opposite of avoiding the snake to expel.

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