Tutto bene

By Blackdrake


Elise has been wanting a fringe for a while now. Today she got it, amazing how different it makes her look.  I can see a hint of a younger me in there a bit, and there is definitely more cheek in that smile!

Paul got home today, in the afternoon for a change.  We are having a Friday curry night with added beer.
The remainder of tonight will be dedicated to making creme pattisiere, in preparation for mammoth trifle making tomorrow. If I find time, I'll make prosecco jelly, not sure whether to make it prosecco with limoncello or aperol...decisions...

Side note, finding the whole blip staff/founder silence most odd.  What is going on...or not going on? I feel unsettled by it. Anyone else? Thoughts?

Have a superb weekend fellow blippers.


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