
By AH14

Dream World

A day full of variety, starting with a walk along the canal, watching the canal boat traffic and the runners using the canal path. I took a a few close ups of things growing nearby. Life on the canal always appears unreal to me - a kind of dream world, away from the hectic pace of the rest of the world. 
The weather was chill and gloomy, so headed to the cinema in the afternoon (no, I don't usually go in the afternoon - but pre-Mothers' Day outing with Mum!). Anyway, we went to see Suite Française - a truly remarkable film that had me captivated from start to finish but emotionally exhausted by the end!
The day ended with a quick trip to the lake to see the Canada Geese and the sunset - which was a serious contender for my blip but, in the interest of variety, for once I resisted :)

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