Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Maple Blossoms

Our Silver Maple has burst into bloom, seemingly overnight!  Here's what it looked like about 2 weeks ago.  I love how the tight little buds have just exploded with new growth.  In the 26 years I've lived here, I have never really looked closely at the buds and blossoms.  Blip has really really helped me open my eyes!
And speaking of Blip....there is a lot of scuttlebutt going around the site that I have only noticed today.  People are saying BlipCentral has been incommunicado for over a week and the fear is that the site will disappear.  It breaks my heart to think that this could happen.  I really choose not to believe it and hope for the best!   But, in the interest of being proactive, I plan to join 365Project and start mirroring my journal there. Several people have mentioned doing that as well. I hate to even think of losing all my wonderful friends on this site. If the worst should happen, I hope you will all join and stay in contact with me on the new site.  I really feel like I'm being paranoid and that these are just silly rumors.  I hope so!!

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